For mom of quadruplets, this convenience in therapy became a saving grace


January 29, 2024

This paid piece is sponsored by LifeScape.

When a Colman mother of seven has a 45-minute drive to get her quadruplets to therapy, having the ability to get the services they need in one location is more than convenient.

“It’s always a party when they come to therapy,” said Alissa Colshan, a physical therapist at LifeScape.

Jenny Lebrun experienced a premature birth to quadruplets in 2022.

“When they were born, they were little. We spent two months in the NICU,” she said.

Three months later, they were referred to LifeScape’s Care Clinic in Sioux Falls after one of the babies was unable to turn his head, experiencing muscle tightness, also known as torticollis.

“He had a severely flat head because he couldn’t turn to look, so we thought we have got to get him some physical therapy. And that’s what brought us to LifeScape,” Lebrun explained.

As the babies continued to grow, she noticed the delays in her other three and realized they were all in need of physical therapy.

Now with all four receiving therapy, LifeScape therapists decided a team approach would be needed to help the little ones. “We’ve been teaching them the skills they need to get around the house,” Colshan said.

Nicole Sikkink, another one of the physical therapists on the team said: “They are getting really busy learning motor skills. So I think mom is loving that.”

With all four babies in physical therapy, two in feeding therapy and one working with a cranial specialist, it can seem almost impossible to get in one location.

“We have the ability to look at the whole child and determine what all of their needs are within one location, which in turn helps the family from having to run to many locations,” said Kristin Tuttle, vice president of medical and therapy services at LifeScape.

Lebrun understandably said she “can’t imagine trying to haul four babies hours away to receive this therapy. And that’s one thing I love about LifeScape too is they are so good at working with me so that we just have one trip, and we can do it all in one day.”

However, it’s not only convenience, but the bond the quadruplets have made with their therapy team.

“They can tell when I pull into the parking lot because I start hearing giggles in the van. I genuinely feel like my kids are very special to the therapists. They very much care for my babies, and because of them, my babies are doing so well,” Lebrun said.

It’s a sentiment their therapists have as well.

“It’s been fun getting to know the babies and the mom. We have built some great relationships,” Colshan said.

The Lebrun family is one of many who walk through LifeScape’s doors to receive the care they need to improve the lives of their loved ones. To learn more about all the services LifeScape offers, click here.


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