Why O’Gorman? Student shares experience in her own words.


May 17, 2023

This paid piece is sponsored by Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools.

By Macee Bortnem, O’Gorman High School junior 

When I walked up to the front doors of O’Gorman High School for the first time, I could not help but think that this was the place where I was supposed to be. I immediately felt welcomed and wanted, which was eye-opening for a place that is new and twice the size of the school I knew my whole life.

Why O’Gorman? I chose this as the place to call my home because of the community, the academic excellence, the love and compassion from teachers and classmates, and the opportunities to do what I love and beyond. There are so many great things about this school and I am more than thankful that God allowed me to be a part of something that is so beautiful. 

I transferred to O’Gorman as a freshman, the year after the pandemic, and did not know what to expect. I made the decision to attend the high school soccer camp, which developed connections going into the school year. It was nice to have a few friends that first week of school to help me out with anything that I might need. Being a freshman is a weird time in one’s life, so it was also comforting to know that everyone else in my class was new to the school, just as I was. I slowly started to put myself out there more as time went on joining countless activities and groups.

I fell in love with music at such a young age. The first experience that I had with public performing, besides the short little solos in elementary music concerts, was when I started cantoring by myself at weekend Mass. My voice teacher was the music director for St. George Catholic Church and really encouraged me to share my talents. I don’t know how anyone would let a little fourth grader cantor all by themselves for a whole Mass, but she did, and I am so very grateful for that. 

Singing at church and leading the congregation is a completely different feeling from performing on a stage or for a sporting event. In Mass, I sing from my heart and don’t focus on the technicalities of it as much. I let God take over my insecurities, struggles, and fears and in a sense, let Him sing for me. I came to realize that at church it is not about me. I am not doing it to get applause, complimented or to be seen. It’s just me up there singing praise to the Father and the congregation is appreciative of that. 

When nerves set in, I call on God to guide, protect, and love slowly realizing that I was made in His image and that He gave me talents for a reason.  As part of the varsity show choir, Ovation!, we have a saying: “old ceiling, new floor.”  

It is always in the back of my mind when I perform. On stage, we do it for ourselves and the people around us, striving to perform the show or song better than the time before and the time before that. Singing in church is more of a way to sing directly to God, while performing on stage is for myself and the audience with the support and love of the Lord alongside. 

There is a lot going on for teens between school, activities and social life. In order to balance everything all at once, you have to know your limits. Over the years, I have put myself out there to make friends and try new things. I am involved in nine different clubs/activities here at O’Gorman and love every single one of them. A few include chamber choir, National Honor Society, campus ministry, educators rising and student ambassadors.

I strive to give 110 percent in all of these activities and to put my best self out there. When I’m at school, I try to only focus on school. When I’m in an activity, I try to only focus on that activity and when I’m with my friends, I strive to only focus on them. 

I hope and dream to be a role model for the young classes, showing them that it is okay to fail but what’s important is not giving up. It’s okay to stop doing an activity if you don’t enjoy it when the season or year is done but what matters is giving it a fair chance going in. 

Now as a junior at O’Gorman High School I have been given the opportunity to cantor at weekly Mass, perform with the varsity show choir, sing in the spring musical, be part of the campus ministry program and participate in the retreats, sing in choir, and I am a student ambassador welcoming families, guests and new students to O’Gorman.  O’Gorman is a light in the dark and allowed me to become who I am today.

To learn more about Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools, click here.

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